Brazil – Committee delays debate yet again on land based gambling bill
By James - 6 June 2024
Gambling expansion bill PL 2234/2022 which authorizes the operation of casinos and bingo halls, and legalizes thee “jogo do bicho” (an illegal street lottery) has been postponed again in the Senate’s Committee on Constitution and Justice (CCJ).
The text, approved in early 2022 by the House of Representatives, has divided opinions in the Senate. This is because the proposal faces resistance from the evangelical caucus and conservative groups.
As multiple members of the committee asked for additional time to review the bill a collective request for review was granted. The CCJ president, Davi Alcolumbre, agreed the request following rules and procedures established by the senate.
The report was presented by Senator Irajá on April 24 and underwent a public hearing on May 9. However later that month lawmakers clashed over the future of the gambling expansion bill. In a motion, Senator Eliziane Gama requested that the bill should be considered by the Committees on Economic Affairs (CAE); Social Affairs (CAS); and Public Safety (CSP) and not just the Senate’s Constitution Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ).
According to the The Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP) an entity that represents the interests of businesses in the commerce, services, and tourism sectors in the state of São Paulo with the legal operation of casinos and other types of gaming, Brazil could raise around R$74 billion per year, in addition to R$22.2 billion in taxes and R$6.7 billion in grants. FecomercioSP estimates that the legalization of gambling could generate 658 thousand direct jobs and 619 thousand indirect jobs, diversifying the economy and offering new job opportunities.