Brazil – Lawmaker says that gaming bill should be approved before the end of the year
By James - 31 October 2022
Bill 442/91, which was passed in the lower house and is now in the senate, could be passed after the Presidential elections. The information was confirmed to local newspaper Bahia Notícias by Deputy João Carlos Bacelar Batista. Bacelar is a member of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Approval of the Regulatory Framework for Games in Brazil and a long time supporter of a liberalised market.
“We approved it in the first semester; the matter went to the Federal Senate and is awaiting the designation of a rapporteur to go to the plenary. The expectation is that it will be voted on this year, the Senate president has signalled that soon after the election he would put the matter [on the agenda] regardless of who is elected,” he said.
The bill in detail:
According to the text approved by the Chamber, casinos may be installed in resorts as part of an integrated leisure complex that must contain at least 100 high-end hotel rooms, meeting and event venues, restaurants, bars and shopping centres.
Each state may have one casino, with the exception of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, which may have two, and São Paulo, three. Casinos may be built in resorts as part of an integrated leisure complex that must contain at least 100 high-end hotel rooms, meeting and event venues, restaurants, bars and shopping centres. The physical space of the casino must be, at most, equal to 20 per cent of the built-up area of the complex and electronic and roulette games, cards and other authorized modalities can take place on site.
In order to determine the places where casinos can be opened, the Executive Power must consider the existence of its tourist heritage and the economic and social impact the casino would have on the region.
Each economic group may hold only one licence per state, and licensing will be carried out by a public tender. Additionally, the Executive Branch may grant the operation of two casinos in leisure complexes in states with a dimension greater than 1 million square kilometres (Amazonas and Pará). In locations classified as tourist centres or destinations, the building of a casino will be allowed, regardless of the population density of the state in which they are located. A tourist casino cannot be located less than 100 kilometres away from any casino integrated into a leisure complex.
Casinos will be allowed on river vessels, one for each river 1,500 km to 2,500 km in length; two for each river with a length between 2,500 km and 3,500 km; and three per river with a length greater than 3,500 km.
These vessels cannot be anchored in the same location for more than 30 consecutive days, and the concession can be for up to ten establishments. These ships must have a minimum of 50 high-end rooms, restaurants and bars and shopping centres, as well as venues for events and meetings.
In the case of bingo, the text allows its exploitation on a permanent basis only in bingo houses, allowing municipalities and the Federal District to explore these games in stadiums with a capacity of over 15,000 fans. Bingo houses must have a minimum capital of R$ 10 million. The minimum area is 1,500 square meters, where up to 400 video bingo machines can be located. Slot machines will be prohibited. According to the text, at most, one bingo house will be accredited for every 150,000 inhabitants. Licenses will be for 25-years, and will be renewable for an equal period. The “jogo de bicho” or animal game would also be legalised as well according to the new bill.
Accreditation will be for a period of 25 years, renewable for an equal period if the requirements are met. The text also provides that, if after 12 months of validity of the future law there is no regulation, the provisional operation of video bingo, bingo and the animal game will be authorized throughout the national territory until the regulation is published.