Supplier News
Croatia – Croatia Ministry of Finance appoints NMi to perform games testing
By Phil - 6 August 2014
NMi is proud to announce its accreditation by the Ministry of Finance to perform online and land-based games testing in the Republic of Croatia.
As part of a continuous commitment to gain coverage in all regulated gaming markets across the world, NMi has been leveraging a long history of working with regulators and customers in the Balkans to expand services as needs present themselves.
The Croatian approval follows the recent appointment of NMi by the Bulgarian State Gambling Commission (SGC) as one of their few approved labs.
Speaking after his recent contribution to the 7th Expert Convention in Serbia organised by JAKTA, Julian Borg-‐Barthet, Business Development Manager for the NMi Gaming Division said: “The Balkans are an important area for NMi, working with our customers, consultants, and government contacts to extend our reach in these key markets is why our customers align themselves with NMi to begin with”
NMi is an accredited gaming laboratory with almost 40 years serving the gaming industry in Europe, offering global service to their customers from labs situated across the world.