Operator News
Portugal – SRIJ has launched two public casino tenders
By Lewis - 24 August 2022
Portugal’s gambling regulator, SRIJ (Serviço de Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos) has announced two public exclusive concessions for the “Exploration of Games of Fortune or Chance” in both Estoril and Figueira da Foz
Public tenders with international advertising are open for a period of 30 days for the granting of exclusive rights to exploit games of chance in the Estoril gambling area and in the Figueira da Foz gambling area.
The procedural documents for each of these tenders are available at https://www.saphetygov.pt, and interested parties may submit their proposals until 11:59 pm on 09/18/2022.
Public limited companies, or equivalent, with their registered office in a Member State of the European Union or in a signatory State of the Agreement on the European Economic Area that is bound to administrative cooperation in the field of taxation and the fight against fraud and money laundering may apply for these public tenders. capital, provided that, in the case of foreign companies, they have a branch in Portugal.
Participation in the procedure depends on prior registration, free of charge, on the electronic contracting platform, available at https://www.saphetygov.pt/, which also allows access to the procedure and the respective tender documents, also free of charge, in the terms provided for in the Law.
The publicity of these two public tenders is made by the Notices of Procedures n.ºs 2022/S 159-453885 and 2022/S 159-453886, published in the Official Journal of the European Union n.º OJ/S S159, of 19/08/2022 and by Procedural Notices no. 10566/2022 and 10567/2022, published in the Diário da República, no. 160, Series II, Part L, of 19 August.
The current concessions for the Estoril and Figueira da Foz gaming areas expire on December 31, 2022, following the exceptional extensions for the years 2021 and 2022 determined by virtue of the pandemic situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.