Operator News
Spain – Casino Gran Canaria completes move to Playa del Ingles
By Phil - 29 October 2013
The €5m Casino Gran Canaria has now reopened in Playa del Ingles, a busy a sea resort in the south coast of the island.
The licence had been in operation at the Hotel Tamariuind St. Augustine since 1978 but its owners; Melia Hotels and la Sociedad Automáticos Canarios, wanted to move it to larger premises with greater footfall to improve its revenues. The new venue is located in Buenos Aires Hotel in the heart of the resort.
Ramos Oscar Gimenez, Regional Director Meliá International Hotels, said yesterday that the Casino Tamarind, the first to be opened in the south of Gran Canaria, closed a month ago, with the new facilities being used to train the staff on the new games. Most of the staff remains the same as that working in St. Augustine although the workforce has expanded by 20 per cent to 50 employees.
The Casino Gran Canaria boasts a 1,200 sq. ft gaming floor with two distinct areas: a machine room, with the latest technologies, and a live games area with blackjack, French roulette and poker. Despite now being much closer to its competitors, Mr. Ramos stressed that the business, like every other gaming, has suffered from the economic crisis, but still can maintain profit margins that keep the activity healthy.