Sweden – Global Gaming 555 to appeal Swedish Gaming Authority’s decision
By Phil - 19 June 2019
Global Gaming 555 is to appeal the Swedish Gaming Authority decision to revoke its licenses.
Global Gaming 555 ABs subsidiary SafeEnt Ltd, which runs the internet casino Ninja Casino, losses its Swedish license for commercial online gambling and betting. The decision which has been communicated to us this morning has immediate effect and the company has therefore for the time being discontinued with offering its products in Sweden.
SafeEnt Ltd has under a period had a dialogue with the Swedish Gaming Authority concerning the shortcomings in the operation and are under the impression that the actions taken has secured that the operation is running correctly. The Gaming Authority’s decision will therefore appeal immediately.
“The information this morning from the Gaming Authority came unexpected due to that the company is under the impression that we comply with the regulations which the new legislation has set on gaming operators in Sweden. That they come with this decision is odd,” said Tobias Fagerlund, acting CEO at Global Gaming 555 AB.
“It is the company’s and the legal advisors impression that all demands to hold a license are complied with. The company’s legal team is under the firm impression that the Gaming Authority’s decision lacks support in the Gaming Law and therefore the decision will be appealed. We will of course appeal the decision and have good reasons to believe that we will have success in an appeal. That the license now have been revoked lacks legal support and compose an unproportional action which will cause the company significant damage.”