Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence
How AI is redefining sports bettingÂ

Artificial Intelligence will make the biggest impact on sports betting since the Internet became widely accessible. Full stop. Sportradar’s Luka Pataky, SVP, Automated Content, explains why the technology is critical to shaping and powering the type of experience operators offer to customers now and in the future. Just how heavily the industry has…
England and Mbappe are EURO winners in Sportradar’s AI data-driven simulations

Sportradar has conducted a series of AI–driven data simulations which estimate that England is the team most likely to win the UEFA Euro 2024 on July 14. In addition, Sportradar’s AI simulations identified France’s Kylian Mbappe as the player most likely to win the Golden Boot. Sportradar’s cutting-edge AI technology conducted 10,000 comprehensive simulations for…
Malta – Platform personalisation powered by AI

Gamingtec, the provider of turnkey online sportsbook and casino platforms, has partnered with ZingBrain to bring the provider’s innovative artificial intelligence engine to its operator partners for the first time. The deal will allow sportsbooks and casinos powered by Gamingtec to leverage ZingBrain’s technology ‘Zing AI,’ to make recommendations to players based on multiple data…
Using Artificial Intelligence to identify problem behaviours

In today’s high-tech world, more and more industries are looking for ways to leverage technology to improve customer service, minimise risk and enhance business productivity and profitability. G3 interviews the Director General of the Spain Directorate General for Gambling Regulation, Juan Espinosa Garcia, about why using technologies like AI and analytics is the way forward…
US – Four poker players to take on AI at Rivers Casino

Four of the world’s best professional poker players will compete against artificial intelligence developed by Carnegie Mellon University in an epic rematch to determine whether a computer can beat humans playing one of the world’s toughest poker games. In “Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence: Upping the Ante,” beginning Jan. 11 at Rivers Casino, poker pros will…