Tag Archives: Paul Steelman
Paraguay – Work underway on ambitious new Mega Resort and Island Casino

Construction of a new mega resort and casino is now underway now that the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Paraguay (MADES) has given the project the green light. Work has already begun with the hydraulic filling on San Francisco Island, on the Paraguay River where the company in charge of the project plans…
US – Paul Steelman’s Competition Interactive in the skill-based race

Competition Interactive is aiming to be a key player in the realm of skill based gaming at this year’s Global Gaming Expo, G2E, October 9-11, at the Sands Expo Center. The gaming manufacturer and distributor is showcasing its expanded portfolio of Skill Based Games and Slot Machines with innovative Bonus Games, which are far different…
US – Paul Steelman approved to sell skill-based in Nevada

Las Vegas-based casino architect Paul Steelman has completed his move into machine manufacturing having been approved by the Nevada Gaming Commission to sell skill-based casino games in Las Vegas for Competition Interactive. The company, which debuted at last year’s Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, is a subsidiary of Mr Steelman’s architectural company. It has…