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Tenders for two casinos fail in Chile

By - 4 November 2024

The Superintendence of Casinos of Chile (SCJ) has announced the termination of the evaluation process for the technical offers submitted by Inversiones y Turismo Chiloé S.A. and Rantrur S.A., the applicant and renewer, respectively, for an operation permit in the commune of Castro. Additionally, the evaluation of the proposal from Casino de Juegos Coyhaique S.A. in the commune of Coyhaique has also concluded, marking the end of their participation in the permit granting process.

According to the SJC “as a result, the process has been finalized without the assignment of scores and without the opening of economic offers, as confirmed by the Resolutive Council of the SCJ, according to Exempt Resolutions Nos. 794, 795, and 793.”

The SJC in a press release went onto say that the conclusion was reached because “these proposals did not comply with the obligations established in Law No. 19,995, nor did they meet the requirements outlined in Supreme Decree No. 1722 of 2015 from the Ministry of Finance, which approves the regulations for processing and granting operation permits for gaming casinos, or in the technical bases.”

As a result the SJC said that it would initiate a new process for granting an operation permit for an available spot at the national level and one reserved spot in the Aysén Region later this year.

In March the SCJ announced that the stage of submitting technical and economic bids for the granting of licenses for a casino in the city of Castro and another licence in the city Coyhaique had concluded – both licences were set to expire in 2027. Rantrur S.A. (Enjoy S.A.) and Inversiones y Turismo Chiloé (Dreams S.A.) both put forward offers for the casino licence in Castro. The company Casino de Juegos Coyhaique (Dreams) was the only bidder that presented itself to retain the license in Coyhaique (the Aysén Region).

Castro is located on Chiloé Island in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile and is the capital city of the Chiloé Province. Meanwhile the city of Coyhaique, is the capital of the Aysén Region  and is located further south in Chilean Patagonia.

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