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The Netherlands – KSA challenges Holland Casino over breaches with its control database

By - 16 November 2023

Dutch Gaming Authority Kansspelautoriteit (Ksa) has issued Holland Casino with a designation because its control database (CDB) has not met the legal requirements. The Ksa has said it needs Holland Casino to comply with the requirements within six weeks or it will risk losing its licence.

The KSA stated: “The Ksa has determined that Holland Casino’s CDB does not meet the requirements. The binding instruction from June states that this must be adjusted within six weeks. Providers licensed for online gambling in the Netherlands must have a CDB. In this data vault, operators store data of gambling activities. Various legal requirements have been imposed on this CDB. The CDB is used by the Ksa to be able to supervise. An up-to-date CDB with the correct data is important to guarantee safe gaming.”

Holland Casino objected to the decision and applied for a preliminary injunction. During that procedure, the six-week time limit was suspended. On November 16, the District Court of The Hague rejected the applications for interim relief. That is why the decision can now be published and the six-week period continues.

If Holland Casino does not comply with the instruction, the Ksa may take other measures, such as imposing an order subject to a penalty or an administrative fine, or in extreme cases revoking the licence for online games of chance.

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