Operator News
UK – British coin-op looks forward to ACOS 2015
By Phil - 11 August 2015
Less than a year has passed since the launch of the very first Autumn Coin-Op Show and there is already a palpable buzz around the industry as exhibitors and visitors look forward to the 2015 event.
ACOS 2015, will take place on October 14 to 15 and will, once again, be located at Chelsea Football Club. Organiser Karen Cooke explained: “Last year we received excellent feedback on the facilities at Chelsea, from exhibitors and visitors alike. The location is incredibly convenient and we had many comments from exhibitors, particularly impressed by the helpful attitude and friendliness of the venue’s staff. From the outset we hoped that ACOS would be a small, friendly, UK focused gathering and the iconic venue lends a real sense of occasion.”
The atmosphere at ACOS was perfectly summed up by Alan Rogers, Director of Sales and Marketing at Astra Games Ltd, saying, “A good show. An event at this time is very good for momentum and development focus prior to the big shows early in the new Year.” Leading industry companies that supported the 2014 event will be joined in 2015 by a number of exciting new exhibitors, including Fair Games UK Ltd, Suzo- Happ, 7’s above Ltd, ACE Gaming, E-Service, Genesis Games Ltd and AMG Sales UK.
Trade Associations BACTA and the AMLR will be in attendance and the IOA have confirmed that they have scheduled a Full Members Meeting to coincide with the show.
With exciting new products, influential visitors and a great after-show networking event, ACOS promises a highly productive two days.