UK – Sky Betting & Gaming joins Senet Group
By Phil - 22 February 2016
Sky Betting & Gaming, one of the UK’s leading independent online bookmakers, has joined Senet Group, the gambling watchdog.
It is the first online-only gambling operator to join the Group.
Wanda Goldwag, Chair of Senet Group, said: “We’re delighted to welcome such an important online and mobile operator as a member. It demonstrates that Sky Betting & Gaming is prepared to adhere to and promote high standards of social responsibility, which is good news for players and for the industry. Remote gambling is the fastest growing sector of the industry, with innovations being developed regularly. It’s therefore particularly important that we will have a leading operator in this space to inform the development of our code of conduct.”
Richard Flint, Chief Executive of Sky Betting & Gaming, said: “The gambling industry has definitely upped its game on social responsibility issues over the last 12 months and the Senet Group has been a key part of those efforts. There’s obviously still further room for improvement but I’m really looking forward to helping shape the group’s work on online gambling issues.”
Senet Group has built high awareness of its ‘When The Fun Stops, Stop’ tagline over the last year, and is intending to run further campaigns in 2016 to help make gamblers aware of the signs of risky behaviour and how to keep their betting under control. Its members commit to abide by a code of conduct designed to meet high standards of social responsibility in gambling. As a new member, Sky Betting & Gaming will be given a three-month ‘grace period’ to comply fully with all Senet Enforceable Commitments.