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Uruguay – Growing interest in casino and hotel in Carmelo
By James - 1 May 2023
The Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera has told local press that there is growing interest in the hotel and casino in located in the town of Carmelo.
Viera said that there are a number of potential buyers: “There are verbal expressions of interested parties. They have asked, they have requested plans, and others have toured the location.”
According to the minister, the sale is now possible after the government approved a resolution that writes off a real estate tax debt generated by the Airemar Corporation. The corporation was in charge of the management of the Hotel Casino Carmelo between 1991 and 2020. The debt with the Municipality of Colonia amounts to 65 million pesos (US$1.65m), and the cancellation request was put forward by the local government, in order to improve the conditions for a future sale of the building which belongs to the ministry.
“It was very difficult to sell the building and the land with an embargo and such a significant debt,” explained the minister.
Meanwhile Carlos Moreira, Mayor of Colonia, stated that the administration has been “having periodic meetings to be able to finalize the call for bids and have bidders.” In addition, the minister added that from the Ministry of Tourism “the work on the specifications is ready”, and now it has passed to the Ministry of Economy and Finance “to move forward with the casino part.”
Both were speaking at a press conference together with the National Director of Tourism, Roque Baudean, and the Director of Tourism of the Municipality of Colonia, Martín de Freitas.