Operator News
US – Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians propose Bristol’s second casino
By Phil - 8 January 2020
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) has struck a deal to build and operate a casino in Washington County, Virginia near The Pinnacle, making it the second casino planned for Bristol.
The tribes chief Richard Sneed said: ““The location of the casino will be within the beloved ancestral home of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians. That is why this project has a special place in my heart and in the heart of our people. In addition to the casino and luxury hotel, the development will include a 15,000-seat outdoor concert venue, additional recreational facilities as well as a large hotel featuring an indoor waterpark. Negotiations are underway to finalise those plans.
“Our casino will be a powerful anchor for much needed economic development for Washington County, Bristol, and the region. We look forward to working with community leaders to assure shared success for us all,” he added. “I have visited the site along I-81 and I am impressed with its strategic, gateway location that serves a five-state area. It is our wish to bring new tax revenue and jobs to Washington County and the Southwest Virginia region in a positive and impactful way.”
The tribe already operates the Harrah’s Cherokee Resort Hotel and Casino in Cherokee, North Carolina.
The developer of The Pinnacle Steve Johnson added: “Our agreement with Chief Sneed of the EBCI is an extraordinary opportunity to bring an experienced casino owner-operator to Washington County and the Southwest Virginia region. We look forward to working with the Cherokee Nation, local leaders, and elected officials in Richmond to bring this massive opportunity to fruition.”
A bill was signed in last March to allow casinos to be built in Bristol, Danville, Portsmouth, Richmond, and Norfolk.