Operator News
US – Pamunkey Tribe looking to bring first casino to Virginia
By Phil - 19 March 2018
The Pamunkey Indian Tribe is looking for sites to build a $700m resort for what would be the first casino in Virginia.
The Department of Interior gave federal recognition to the Pamunkey back in 2015, meaning it could operate a casino on tribal land through a separate approval process. All the Pamunkey Tribe have revealed so far is that the casino would be located in eastern Virginia and would include a casino floor, spa, performance venue and hotel with more than 1,200 rooms.
Pamunkey Chief Robert Gray said: “Federal recognition and the opportunities that it brings will mean greater job opportunities, more educational opportunities and the ability to provide better access to housing for our aging tribe members. The resort is just a piece of that bigger vision and hope for our future.”
“The Pamunkey believe that this resort will help ensure the long-term success of the tribe and be a tremendous economic driver for the commonwealth,” he added. “Done the right way, it can be a win-win for both. I believe that as people learn more about our plans, they will become just as excited as we are about it.”
The tribe believes the resort and casino could generate $1bn in indirect economic impact annually, creating up to 5,000 construction jobs and 4,000 full-time jobs.