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Paul Gauselmann donates €5m to the city of Lübbecke

By - 14 June 2024

Paul Gauselmann and the Paul and Karin Gauselmann Foundation have signed a donation agreement with Mayor Frank Haberbosch in the amount of €5m for the benefit of the city of Lübbecke.

It is the largest donation that the city has received in its approximately 1,200-year history. The money is to be used to finance non-profit and public welfare-oriented projects on site.

“I have always felt connected to the city of Lübbecke,” explained Paul Gauselmann. “After all, our production plant, which makes a significant contribution to the success of the Merkur Group, has been there for almost 50 years.” In addition, sales activities, research and development and all logistics are located in the city of 26,000 inhabitants. “So it is only logical that after Espelkamp I also help the city of Lübbecke financially,” explains the donor. It was only in April that the spokesman of the board of directors of the Merkur Group announced that he was donating 8.7 million euros to the city of Espelkamp through his foundation. In addition, he himself had promised amounts of around six million euros for the construction of two daycare centers – one in Gestringen and one in Espelkamp. Paul Gauselmann has thus signed aid amounting to around €20m within a few months.

“The generosity of Mr. Gauselmann is unique and deserves the highest respect,” emphasizes Lübbecke’s mayor Frank Haberbosch. “I can only thank you very much for the donation.” The head of the city and the company patriarch had been talking for some time about which projects could be supported and what an effective use of the donations should look like. Now the agreement has been signed in Paul Gauselmann’s office in Espelkamp. It ensures that each project is carefully selected and carried out for the benefit of the entire population. The projects cover various areas, including infrastructure improvements, educational initiatives and social programs that aim to further increase the quality of life in Lübbecke.

“Today is a great day for all Lübbecke residents. We are proud that Mr. Gauselmann is our honorary citizen,” explained Frank Haberbosch. “The money gives us a certain amount of room for manoeuvre in the tasks of municipal services of general interest.” Even if the budget is not currently sewn to the edge, the city still suffers from chronic underfunding by the state.

With his large donation, Paul Gauselmann proves that after 67 years as a successful entrepreneur, he is once again ready to take on more social responsibility. “Many of my employees live in Lübbecke. Of course, I would like them to find good structures as well.”

In the past, Paul Gauselmann has repeatedly appeared in the city as an important patron. Three years ago, for example, Paul and Karin Gauselmann financed a surgical robot for Lübbecke Hospital for around 1.4 million euros. For his extraordinary commitment, the company founder was awarded honorary citizenship of the city of Lübbecke 19 years ago.

Paul Gauselmann’s success story began 68 years ago: He came to Espelkamp as an employee in the development department, and six months later he took the step into part-time self-employment as a music automaton installer – it was the birth of the Merkur Group. “For 67 years, I have been accompanied by constant hope and fear for the well-being of the group of companies,” reports Paul Gauselmann. “I have never been in the red and have always lived frugally.”

In connection with the steady growth of the company, which now has around 15,000 employees, the company founder has also achieved personal financial prosperity, from which the Paul and Karin Gauselmann Foundation and the many donation recipients benefit first and foremost. In view of his 90th birthday on August 26, Paul Gauselmann does not miss the opportunity to generously distribute gifts and do a lot of good. And he promises: “I will endow the foundation very extensively with my private capital so that it can continue to realize many benefits in the region for years to come.”

Caption: Paul Gauselmann and Lübbecke’s mayor Frank Haberbosch sign the donation agreement

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