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Tabcorp fined $370,417 after pleading guilty to 43 charges

By - 14 June 2024

The Melbourne Magistrates’ Court has ordered Tabcorp to pay $370,417 after pleading guilty to 43 charges for failing to prevent a minor from gambling across multiple venues in Victoria and for failing to properly supervise its Electronic Betting Terminals.

The VGCCC issued charges against Tabcorp in May 2023, when a 17-year-old was found to have gambled on multiple occasions between May 2022 to October 2023, involving 13 different venues.

VGCCC CEO, Annette Kimmitt AM, acknowledged the outcome handed down by the Magistrates’ Court.

“The breaches committed by Tabcorp are incredibly serious, reflecting a fundamental failure to protect minors from the risks associated with gambling, as well as a lack of vigilance on their part,” she said. “These failures undermine the integrity and safety of the industry. Gambling providers and their staff are on the front line of our efforts to prevent underage gambling”, added Ms Kimmitt.

“It is their duty to rigorously check IDs and supervise gambling activities to ensure minors are not able to access these services. Their vigilance is crucial in safeguarding young people from the harms of gambling. It is imperative that all stakeholders in the gambling industry understand the gravity of this issue and take their responsibilities seriously to prevent such harm.”

“The VGCCC is committed to protecting the community and ensuring that all gambling operations adhere to the highest standards of conduct. We will continue to take decisive action in upholding the safety and well-being of our community, particularly when it comes to children.”

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