Operator News
UK – ICE marketing campaign shortlisted for award
By Phil - 4 June 2015
The Jules Verne themed Discover creative and subsequent marketing campaign in support of ICE Totally Gaming 2015, has been shortlisted in the annual Association of Exhibition Organisers Excellence Awards.
Discover is one of eight entries in the Marketing Campaign Of The Year category which also includes submissions from the Ideal Home Show, the National Boat Show and the Olympia London Consumer Campaign.
Heralding the awards, which will be decided at a ceremony taking place on June 26th at London’s Park Lane Grosvenor House hotel, Clarion Marketing Director, Jo Mayer said: “The AEO excellence awards are in many ways the Oscars of the events industry and I am delighted for a business to business exhibition such as ICE to be shortlisted alongside some major consumer brands.
“Each year we work extremely hard in partnership with our creative agency, Scott & Jones, to produce a compelling campaign which is impactful, imaginative and which will connect with our international audience, 51 per cent of whom do not have English as their first language. Jules Verne – the second most translated author in the world over the last three decades – is most famous for the adventure novel Around The World in Eighty Days and our key message to attendees was that ICE enables them to travel around the entire land-based and online gaming world in just three days, a feat which no other event on the gaming calendar can match.”
She added: “Getting 25,497 gaming professionals to visit London in February from 133 countries clearly doesn’t happen by accident and our campaign for 2015 was one of the biggest ever undertaken in support of a gaming exhibition. It comprised over 120 adverts run throughout 63 specialist b2b gaming media, extensive media relations and an engagement programme with more than 200,000 individuals working for 85,000 companies. This was augmented by social media comprising twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, tumblr, our own mobile networking app as well as text marketing, e-shots, direct mail, a Jules Verne book promotion and the production of two high definition Discover themed movie invitations. Overall we engaged with potential visitors based in 150 countries worldwide in order to maximise the number of serious buyers coming to ICE.
“Whilst the campaign played an important part in helping to achieve what was a record attendance, ICE would be greatly diminished if it wasn’t for the support, the dedication and the creativity of all its stakeholders – including the 27 international trade associations and representative bodies who are involved in ICE as well as the 500+ exhibitors who work so hard to make it the very best event of its kind in the world.”