Operator News
SJC concludes bidding stage for two casino licenses
By James - 25 March 2024
The Superintendence of Casinos of Chile (SCJ) has announced that the stage of submitting technical and economic bids for the granting of licenses for a casino in Castro and another licence in the city Coyhaique has concluded. Castro is located on Chiloé Island in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile and is the capital city of the Chiloé Province. Meanwhile the city of Coyhaique, is the capital of the Aysén Region and is located further south in Chilean Patagonia.
The licensing process for the two casino licences was launched in September 2023. The SCJ reported that in the presentation hearing for technical and economic bids held last Friday (March 22), three projects were put forward.
Rantrur S.A. (Enjoy S.A.) and Inversiones y Turismo Chiloé (Dreams S.A.) both put forward offers for the casino licence in Castro.
Currently, Enjoy operates a hotel and a casino in the city of Castro, which features 19 gaming tables, 72 bingo positions, and 230 slot machines. Additionally, it includes a convention centre, a cinema, restaurants, bars, and an art gallery. The current permit held by Enjoy expires in 2027. Only last week Enjoy announced that it is receiving offers for its assets, both in Chile and in Uruguay according to a communication sent to Chile’s Financial Market Commission (CMF).
In order to compete for the licence in Castro meanwhile its competitor Dreams, created the company Inversiones y Turismo Chiloé S.A.
Dreams is also aiming to renew the operating license of its casino in the city of Coyhaique, in the Aysén region, via Casino de Juegos Coyhaique S.A. (Dreams S.A.) The casino has 11 gaming tables, 38 bingo positions, and 383 slot machines, as well as a restaurant, a bar, and three event rooms. It’s licence will also expire in 2027.
The Evaluation of Technical Offers will conclude within a maximum period of 120 days so no later than Monday, September 16, 2024.