Operator News
Chile – Next stage of tender for casinos in Antofagasta and Talca
By James - 31 October 2023
The Chilean Gaming Board (SJC) has announced that three applicants will go to the next stage of the bidding process to obtain a license for casinos in Antofagasta and Talca.
In a statement the SJC indicated that the next phase is the opening of the economic offers, which will be carried out through public hearings that will take place on 10 November.
The SJC also announced that the companies that are moving forward to this next phase are Dalmacia Gamming SA, for the commune and region of Antofagasta; and the companies Casino de Juego de Talca S.A. and Sociedad de Ríos Claros S.A. for the city and commune of Talca in the Maule Region.
As detailed, in a session held on October 26, the Resolution Council of the SCJ “unanimously ratified the technical evaluation proposals presented by this regulatory body, determining the score of the applicant projects.”
They added that, once the technical evaluation was ratified, Exempt Resolution No. 854 was issued, which reported the scores of the applicant companies that exceeded the weighted average score established in Law No. 19,995, which corresponds to 60% of the total sum of the scores, which allows them to move to the next stage.
The SCJ also reported that it had decided “to put an end to the evaluation of the proposal presented by Casino de Juegos y Entretenimiento de Antofagasta SA in the commune of Antofagasta”, considering that “the applicant company did not comply with any of the obligations established in the law.”